Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Laundry Day And Lovin' It

This has been one of those days when
I would say
"It is well with my soul......"
A beautiful sunny day, temps
in the mid 70s...the perfect day
to hang the laundry outside
on my little clothesline.
I've mentioned before, how doing this
 just makes my heart happy.
Hard for some to understand this,
until you see where the clothesline is.
(notice on right side of photo)
The morning chore, is a labor of love,
from the top of my head to the tip
of my toes.....I love it!
  Why, I can feel the
warm sunshine on my face, listen
to the birds socializing and often
I hear bells coming from the
Catholic church.
So when I think of laundry,
I have a whole different attitude
these days.
I'm posting early today...the 
Mister and I are going to the movie...
"The King's Speech."
Can't wait!
Have a beautiful day!
Blessings.......Dee Dee