Monday, July 25, 2011


Elberta Freestone Peach
Succulent reddish yellow skin....sweet as
can be for just "peel and eat"
or for cooking.
My peach cobbler beginnings.
Notice in background...Jan Karon's
Mitford Cookbook and Reader
Pg. 5 Good pastry recipe.

"Mom, how do you make your peach cobbler?"
Call me old fashioned, and I will agree,
but those words were music to my ears.......
young  daughter wanting my recipe. 
Now, I do know how to make real good
peach cobbler, lest you think I'm boasting, it
has had the approval of many through the years.
Peaches are in season and at your grocer now!
"Are these South Carolina peaches?"
I asked the young man working in
the produce section.
"No, these are from Georgia,
and should taste the same."
"Are they Elberta peaches and
are they sweet?"
He had no answer for me, so I 
explained only one peach 
qualified as the best, to me,  and that was
the sweet  South Carolina Elberta Freestone peach. 
As a rule, when making this
most delicious desert, I make two....
One for the Mister and I, 
 and one to give away.

Heard on Glenn Beck's radio program, just  this morning,
and I could hardly believe he was talking about this subject........
"Cobbler is good for breakfast.
   Along with a little dollop
of vanilla ice cream, you have
"peaches and cream."
According to Glenn, a good healthy breakfast!
Enjoy your day.....Dee Dee