Monday, February 27, 2012

Civil War Reenactment

This weekend we drove out to Fort Desota
for a Civil War Reenactment.
The Civil War broke out in l86l,
and although this area along the beach played
only a minor role during the war, it is
rich in other military history.
Located on the
Gulf Of Mexico, near St Petersburg Florida,
we were in a perfect setting for the
Dressed for the part,
in all his costumed splendor,
was a Civil War Historian,  who
acted as our guide.
A few hundred folks turned out
for the occasion, boy scout troops and all,
 and the weather
with overcast skies played in our favor.
I took over a hundred photos and have
found it difficult
 to post with just a few.

Marching along side the Union army was
a small  band complete with drums and fifes.

I was especially fond of this role....
the cast member depicting  a Confederate
soldier kneeling to pray before battle.
....firing and reloading....
I was impressed with the Union Army uniforms..........
And then,
I listened as my son-in-law explained
to our granddaughter, the
rag-tag appearance of the Confederate soldiers.
No uniforms .....and the young fought along side the old.

As I watched this reenactment, I couldn't
help but think of all these men....both sides,
the North and the South, and how
each thought they were on the side of right.
And then.....
I could almost hear the words of  Abraham Lincoln,
from his second Inaugural Address.

".......that this nation, under God, shall have a
new birth of freedom.
.....with malice toward none; with charity for all,
with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see
the right, let us strive on to the finish the work
we are in; to bind up the nations wounds, to
care for him who shall have borne the battle, and
for his widow and his orphan. To do all which may
achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among
ourselves, and with all nations."

The "War Between The States" as the Civil War
was known, pitted neighbor against neighbor
and in some cases brother against brother.
By the time it ended in 1865, 625,000
had died. This is part of America's story. This
is part of us.

Have a blessed day.....Dee Dee
click on photos to enlarge