Sunday, May 27, 2012

Young Blue Jay

There's been a lot of bird activity
in our garden lately.  We've
watched a pair of Mockingbirds
parenting for a while. Now the
chicks have flown the coop.
I sat quietly at the bistro table,
partially hidden beneath a large
umbrella. I could see the
 young Blue Jay high up  in the grapefruit tree.

Cautiously he flew from the tree,
and perched on the fence.
Quickly I took the shot with
my camera, allowing a
lovely view of his backside.

"You are wonderfully and beautifully made
little bird".....I thought to myself.

He began boldly singing and
 right on key, or so it seemed to me.

"Strike a pose, young  Blue Jay"
and I will show you to the world.

I will place your images in a
collage so that I can see you
from every angle. You will
look like many birds, but you
will always remain complete
as one.
Have a beautiful Lord's day, everyone!  Dee Dee
 click on photos to enlarge