Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Butterfly

We've spent a lot of time in the 
garden this week.

Today, we addressed the 
palm trees situation.
It took the tree-trimmers 
a short time to transform
two of our tall palm trees. 
 They were scrappy looking, 
with droopy fronds
 and heavy seed pods.  
We got the bad
news about the tallest palm. 
 It is too tall to climb
and needs to come down. 
When the cost was 
mentioned, we sighed
and agreed to talk
about it
another day.  

In the meantime, 
we are contented to
trim and plant flowers...some
 that will attract sweet

Hope your enjoying
lovely spring weather
 in your part of
the world.....

I'm glad you stopped by......Dee Dee