I'm lovin' C F Payne's artwork, in the form of
"Jigsaw Interlocking Puzzles"
Midnight Snack
The Mister has a new way to beat the doldrums.
With the temps in the high 90s,
and it raining here each day, he is
limited to outdoor activity.
Idleness, for sure, is not to his liking.
He has found solution in
solving puzzles by C F Payne.
"Midnight Snack"
his first puzzle effort,
is coming along nicely.
For him, jigsaw puzzles with 500 pieces,
are the right size challenge and can
be completed in a reasonable amount of time.
Although the Mister's project,
I'm finding
irresistible urges to
join him at the puzzle table.
Mr. Payne, an award winning artist
has captured the spirit of modern America
using humor in his puzzle illustrations.
These are next on the list.
Morning Walk
Have I stirred your curiosity?
Have a blessed day....Dee Dee