Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I Love Christmas

Our choir's cantata,
last evening, seemed
blessed by God.
At rehearsal
the day before we
had a few rough spots.
With the main lights in
the church lowered, the soft
light from candles
offered the perfect
ambiance for
Russell Mauldin's
"O Holy Night"
Christmas musical.
I felt it from the
beginning, something
quite miraculous was
happening to our little
choir.  The young
and some very old voices
were singing in almost
flawless unison to
beautiful words
of adoration to our Lord.
Emmanuel(Hallowed Manger Ground)
O Holy Night, Come Adore Him.
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Our Savior, Deliverer, Redeemer.....
the One God's people had
watched and waited for so long...
born on this holy night.
I love Christmas......Dee Dee