Sunday, December 18, 2011

Miss Read

For many years, Miss Read has
been the standard-bearer of
wonderful English country village
novels. Her tales of thatched-roof
cottages and two-room schoolhouses,
dotty spinsters and genial eccentrics,
have more recently won me over
as a fan and happy reader.
In my stack of Christmas's books
to read....

 Miss Read's Christmas:
Village Christmas and The Christmas Mouse.

Mrs. Berry awoke as the children
burst into the room.  A cold breeze
set the Christmas tree ornaments
tinkling and rustled the paper chain,
which swung above the door.
The little girls' faces were pink
and wet, their bangs stuck to their
foreheads and glistened with dampness.
Drops fell from the scarlet mackintoshes
and their woolly gloves were soaked.
But nothing could damp their spirits
on this wonderful day......
With one week till Christmas,
you still have plenty of time for
this little read....
I promise, you too will become a Miss Read fan.
Have a blessed Lord's day,
sweet family and friends.....Dee Dee