Friday, September 7, 2012

Antique Dolls and Collectibles

I've never outgrown my love
for dolls....when visiting
antique shops, I gravitate
toward  dolls,
pick them up, have a close
look and examine their faces
eyes, clothes and hair.
This morning, while having my
coffee, I looked through an
older Victoria magazine. I paused
and read a nice article on the history of
miniature collectible dolls.
I read........The search for the perfect
antique doll brings out the historian,
curator, and child in every collector.
A doll's life is no doubt as rich as the
love and imagination bestowed upon
her by her owner.
 I've never been a collector of
dolls, but these days, I'm finding
 a tremendous amount
of pleasure in drawing and painting them.
That's how I've spent much of the day.
In some ways, I'm
playing with dolls, again, or so it seems.
Have a sweet ole' day everyone!  Dee Dee