Wednesday, November 21, 2012


By Doris Lee
In this painting, 
 Ms Lee has captured 
my ideal Thanksgiving.
The kitchen's  buzzing with
ladies of the  
family busy with  meal
Everyone is
contributing  in a 
prideful kind of way.
dishes promise to be delicious 
and of course they are traditional.
The food  took more time 
to prepare in
those days.....a good thing, I believe.
It allowed  more time for sweet conversations
and catching up with out-of-town 
family members.
"Is the turkey almost done?"
My pumpkin pies need
to go into the oven."

This evening I'm hearing sweet
voices from the past.  They're
stored away in my heart and 
always surface during the holidays.
I'm real thankful for that and.....
for so so many other things.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!  Dee Dee