Today we walked in
Chestnut Park, a lovely place, bordered by
beautiful Lake Tarpon.
Mid week, and
all was mostly quiet there, but
for the few folks we encountered.
A grandmother sat
on a park bench reading from her
Kindle as her granddaughter played
in the sand.
A young couple,
interested only in one another,
walked ahead of us, dropping
chewing gum wrappings
on the pathway.
An older
couple walking slowly,
passed us by .....
we all
nodded with a common greeting of
A young man was fly fishing
from a pier, as his companion
transfixed on her phone
I looked for wild flowers and wildlife
and found a few of each.......
Yellow flowers growing midst
the willows were plentiful and so lovely.......
A tiny honey bee was busy gathering sweet
"yellow flower" nectar.
Beware the alligators.....the sign warned.
The Mister's keen eye spotted this fine specimen.
The Blue Heron......unaware of my presence,
stood for a long while,
in the shallow lake water, surrounded by willows.
I was elated with the opportunity to take so many photos.
Today was a true celebration of nature.
I'm glad you stopped by.....Dee Dee
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