Sunday, January 27, 2013

On My Desk To Read

Setting aside 230 million acres of wild America
for posterity, including the Grand Canyon,
Devil's Tower, and the Petrified Forest....
Building the Panama Canal, perhaps the most
controversial act of Roosevelt's presidency.
A curiosity to me, unlike most books I read.

Social history at its best, "Founding Mothers"
unveils the drive, determination, creative insight
and passion of the other patriots, the women 
who raised our nation. Cokie Roberts proves
beyond a doubt that like every generation of 
American women that has followed, the founding
mothers used the unique gifts of their gender.....
courage, pluck, sadness, joy, energy, grace, 
sensitivity, and do what women do
best, put one foot in front of the other in 
remarkable circumstances and carry on.

As a reader of non fiction history, with great
emphasis on the "Founding Fathers"... this
is truly "right up my alley." 

Have a blessed Lord's day, everyone!  Dee Dee