Sunday, June 12, 2011

Gifts For All Mankind

The more time I spend with a camera in my hand,
the more likely I am to learn something new.
I've found that the evening light, right around
sunset, makes for some very pretty pictures.
Our potted yellow Hibiscus seems to be struggling
a little this summer, however, it still produces a
 beautiful bloom now and then.  When this happens,
I am quick to take a few photos for lasting
memories.  When I sat down at the computer
to review the images, I was completely amazed
at the composition, the lighting and colorful details.
The pink Crape Myrtle in the background added
just the right touch of softness.
I'm thinking, that truly .....
lovely flowers were put on this earth
as  gifts for all mankind,
from our dear heavenly Father...Creator.
Have a blessed Lord's day.....Dee Dee
click twice  on photos to enjoy details...