Monday, June 13, 2011

A Place Of Solace

.....guarding the path to the birdbath
We try to keep the birdbath filled with water for the birds and no time at all the
water is hot....temps in the 90s ...
(Seen here......a little patch of Four O'Clocks, coming up from seed....soon to bloom)
It is true, good things sometimes come in small packages,
such is said of our small cottage garden.
We have lovely Snow Bushes, Mexican Sage, Periwinkle,
Crotons and  variegated Schoefflera.  Not seen in these images
are newly planted Hibiscus.
Tolerating the
extremes of Florida's weather,
 the birds and squirrels,
the Mister and I......
 seem to find solace
here in this place.
Sweet blessings this week for all........Dee Dee
click twice on photos to enlarge