Friday, November 26, 2010

The Handing Down of Customs

She made us proud, as we watched the
handing down of Thanksgiving customs.
All the right elements were in place,
all the foods were those we
 remembered as our
favorites.  A great grandmother's
turkey and stuffing recipe
won applause from everyone.
"Tell me how to make your sweet
potato casserole."  It had a
brown sugar glaze that closely
resembled a plate of chocolate fudge.
The children, all seated at a
special table for them,
wore Indian headbands with
feathers.  Having studied all
month long about the first
Thanksgiving, they felt
a special  kinship, I suppose
with the settlers and the Indians.
Family, the Macy's parade, football,
great conversation,
children's laughter,
"Black Friday" sales....
on and on the list goes for
things that made the day perfect.
It's  kind of nice, handing the
customs down to the next generation.
Thanking Him for it all this evening.....Dee Dee