Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Scene From My Christmas Story

This year I'm being a bit more creative
with my Christmas gift giving. Having  given
it a lot of thought and with the
encouragement of my children and
the Mister, I'm writing a Christmas story.
Shown here are some of the characters,
from this long ago tale, brought into
existence by  my own illustrations,
using my well-used pencils and watercolors.
Although written for children, this
magical little story,  seems
to have found a place in the hearts of
many of my adult friends, who will
receive special copies. 
This has been somewhat of a dream
of mine, and in more recent times
I've realized it as a real possibility.
There is no better place to begin my writing, than
 a time in history,
when God came to earth
 as the Christ child.....
Savior of the world.
More about this later.....
Blessings.....Dee Dee