Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Pines

I love this painting by David Armstrong.
Seems like a peaceful place to sit and paint.
Reminds me of a walk in the 
Adirondack mountains.  You won't walk
too  far in any direction, till you  
 come to a creek or a babbling brook.
Now, most likely, the story of the painting
 didn't happen this way,
 but in my imagination,
I can just see the artist, Mr Armstrong
thinking to himself upon completion
of the painting.....
Hmmm.....needs more color. That's
when he plunked that big ole
orange pumpkin upon that stump,
and then, named the painting
"Pumpkin Pines"
Good name and suits it,
don't you think?
Have a blessed day....Dee Dee