Thursday, October 13, 2011

Washed Ashore From The Gulf

I could walk each day along the
shore, and never tire of looking
for treasure.  Each moment of the
day, waves crash to shore,
bringing with them,  new and interesting
items.  Some are living and some
once housed living creatures.

I love looking for shells..... It is after a hard
rain or storm at sea, that  I've found the
most beautiful and unusual.
Seaweed lies all along the beach, in
various colors and designs....
Even in death, the crab is a
beautiful creature to examine.

Tiny sea creatures come ashore
in the waves,
delicacies and good
food for the Sand Piper. 
We're still going out to the island,
almost daily, now that the weather
has cooled off some.  It's a place that has
just about everything one needs for peace of
mind, rest and relaxation. I'm thinking of
bringing along my pencils to do a bit
of sketching on our next trip out.
Might even sketch the Mister fishing.....or
might even sketch the Mister catching a fish!!!
Have a blessed day everyone....Dee Dee