Monday, February 25, 2013

More Signs Of Spring in Florida

Having seen the dormant stems....
the Mandevilla
seemingly lifeless, all winter long.... was good to see pink
buds earlier in the month.
"Welcome back to life
sweet Mandevilla."
One of the first blooming plants
in the spring.....and last to sleep
in late fall.
Our potted Mandevilla is
pretty much neglected and yet
survives beautifully.....due to 
the habits of the plant.
It likes a well drained soil,
and does not like wet feet. 
Properly fed with 8-8-8 fertilizer,
mulched and watered, we should
have beautiful pink blooms all
spring and summer long.

I'm glad you stopped by!  
Have a sweet ole' day, everyone.  Dee Dee