Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Painting....my impression of Abigail.
I joined a new Bible study recently.
Our pastor's wife Angie, leads in discussion
of  women in the Bible.  This week we
are in  the book of Samuel, chapter 25. I'm finding
it interesting  that Samuel was Israel's
last judge and that the book of Samuel is actually the
history of David.  The book of Samuel
describes the transition from judges to kings,
and that   Samuel was the last judge and
the first prophet. 
 Saul would become the first king of Israel.
In my study, I find there was a man named
Nabal. His wife Abigail, was a woman of good
understanding and beautiful countenance.
Her wisdom and good judgement,
 persuades David to not seek vengeance,
thereby preventing bloodshed. She eventually
becomes David's wife.
The rest of the story can be found in
the Holy Bible....a very good read.
Have a blessed day.....Dee Dee