Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Mister's City Gardening

  Pretty nice, huh?
The Mister has the farming bug
 and this is gardening
"city style."
Seems like his circle of family and
friends have inspired him. They all
have "earth" boxes that are thriving
with all sorts of vegetables.
A few days back we enjoyed
garden fresh lettuce in our salad,
compliments of our son-in-law.
That got the Mister started.....
"If I could just grow a few nice tomatoes."
And so, as you can see, he is well
on his way.  Each morning I see
him in the garden inspecting the
tomato plants.
I'm keeping my hopes up that
they produce, for his sake and mine.
Have a blessed weekend.......Dee Dee
The best fertilizer is the gardeners shadow.
~author unknown