Monday, June 20, 2011

Daylilies In A Carolina Garden

*Think on This.....
"Don't ask the good Lord to guide your footsteps
unless your willing to move your feet."~ Jan Karon

Delicate tendrils......of the Day Lilies
 are fully defined......
Growing in the front garden, for all to see
.....the Day lilies.
I had a glorious time walking  in the garden, loved and nurtured
by another gardener. It is true, gardeners share a common bond,
 and such is the case with my sister-in-law.
 Some of the flowers I knew by name, others
not  familiar, she told  lovely and interesting growing facts.  
These  pale salmon colored lilies were her favorite....

"Ah....give me a warm summer day to walk in a garden,
and I shall be contented."
Have a blessed week.....Dee Dee
click photos to enlarge