Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rose Garden Tea

She is my dear friend, and
before the month ends, Priscilla
will be married. Widowed
for a long while, she wonders
almost in disbelief at meeting
and falling in love again.
A small church wedding with
close friends and family,
she's asked me to take a few
photos of the ceremony.
Her gift to me, for doing so.....
beautiful floral tea cups.
She knows me well, that I
enjoy a nice cup of tea and
that Roses grow in abundance
in my garden.

What greater thing is there for two
 human souls than to
feel that they are joined together
to strengthen each other
in all labour, to minister
to each other in all sorrow, to
share with each other in all gladness,
 to be one with each
other in the silent unspoken
 memories? ~George Eliot
Sweet  blessings  today......Dee Dee
click on photos to enlarge