Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Morning the garden

.....sitting at the bistro table
with favorite magazine and
a great cup of
Eight O'clock coffee.
Still, after all these years
I'm drinking the same coffee
my grandmother introduced
me to, as a child. 
Then, it came half and
half....half coffee and
half milk and sugar.
It was saucer cooled, sipped
and delicious!
Sitting outside.....
I found it hard to concentrate
on my magazine, with all
the bird commotion.
There was  a soft breeze
but not enough to encourage
clanging of the
wind chimes.
Glorious June, when the
garden is flourishing,
and everything
is blooming.  We've  been
fortunate in having
plenty of  rain lately....key
ingredient needed for
healthy plants and flowers.
Our lives would be diminished
without a garden in which to work.
~Mary Lu Sinclair

Have a beautiful day! Dee Dee