Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Myrtles Are Blooming

I'm lovin' the new color
in our cottage garden.
The Crape Myrtles are
just beginning to bloom....and promising
lovely full and lacy florets.
The pink Myrtle, although a smaller
bush, is one of my favorites.
Growing along
side lovely yellow shrubs,
I'm enjoying  how they compliment one another.
In photo taken today, you can see
sweet floret beginnings.....so pretty.

Soon we will enjoy the same
gorgeous blooms, seen here in this photo
from last year....

They were so beautiful and lush.......

And a reminder of  
last years lavender Myrtle blooms .......
.......the tree, full of buds,  promising blooms any day.
So glad you stopped by....
Have a beautiful day! Dee Dee
click on photos to enlarge