Tokens of caring and love,
when they're unexpected,
are so much nicer.
This is also true when
we are on the receiving
end of any kind of
gift, for any special event or celebration.
A spontaneous thought of kindness
in any form.....words or gifts
are even more special.
When I was younger, I had a girlfriend
that was newly wedded to a fine young man.
In laying down rules,
for him to follow,
she made demands she expected
for her birthday, each year.
She wanted him to think of the occasion, long before it
occurred. Gifts to be given, had to be something of importance,
and well thought out by him.
In addition, he was to always send her birthday card in the mail. No last
minute trip to the card shop, was good enough for her.
I wondered then, she had not realized, any kind jesture from
him, should have been sufficient. Afterall, this man
loved her unconditionally and promised to do so, all of his life.
Her demanding and receiving gifts she thought her due,
put a cloud over what should have been a
joyous occasion.
This little bouquet of pink flowers,
(sitting amidst the fabrics and notions on my sewing table),
(sitting amidst the fabrics and notions on my sewing table),
a spontaneous act of love and caring......
from my "heart mate"
made my day.
Blessings.....Dee Dee