Saturday, September 25, 2010

Our Next Great Dreamers.....

EMERSON SAID: "Hitch, your wagon to a star."
One can see in those six little words
 the summary of human achievement,
an everlasting inspiration to the future races of men.
From Soctrates to Edison,
every forward step taken by mankind through revolving
centuries, every advance by humanity towards the ultimate goal, has
been led by some valiant dreamer whose eyes were fixed upon the dawn. 
 Moses, with dying eyes, saw a star that blazed in the
Promised Land;
the radiance of an eternal star led
Three Wise Men to the manger in Bethlehem;
pinned his faith in the dawn of a new day;
Kepler, announcing the laws of the unchanging spheres;
Newton, watching the apple fall,
 each looked beyond, and  into the future.
 ~J.E. Dinger
Src....Leaves of Gold
Looking for our next great dreamers.....
and wondering at their accomplishments.....Dee Dee