Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Place Of Refuge

Images of Honeymoon Island Florida.....my place of refuge. 
We've had lots of rain lately,
dreadfully hot with heat index  l05 degrees.
Did you ever know a time when
the conversation was
not for politeness,  but  truly about
 the weather conditions?
Folks all over the country are literally
 "rolling with the punches"
 with above average temperatures,
earthquakes and even
a hurricane or two.
 Nature is coming at us fast and furious!
We all have our own ways of coping,
 and  mine is to make
the best of things, staying  mostly inside.
 Tomorrow I'm off to a local park
for a photo shoot.  Camera and water
bottle in hand, the occasion will be hurried.
The heat and I do not do well.....I suffer.
Sweet Blessings.....Dee Dee
click twice on collage to enlarge