Thursday, September 8, 2011

An Enchanting Place

Our walk along the wooden trail,
 led us through an
almost magical Cypress Swamp.
Tiny round green leaves
blanketed the still water, giving a
clean natural woodland carpet affect.
The further into the swamp
we walked, the more eerily
and out of the ordinary
things seemed  to be.
Why was the swamp so quiet?
Where were the wildlife,
and why no bird sounds?
Could the inhabitants be hiding?
But for an occasional butterfly,
nothing stirred. All was perfectly still!
"Just living is not enough, said the
butterfly fairy, one must have
sunshine, freedom and
a little flower."

An extraordinary,
 enchanting place, 
I wondered at the small
clusters of cypress needles.
I  deemed them  to be
  "swamp castles,"  ....
Were they, afterall
home to fairies and elves?
Had they closed their windows
and doors and pulled up the

I wonder......hmmm
Sweet blessings for all......Dee Dee
click twice on photo to enlarge