Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh Glorious Place.....

Cloudy skies reflecting in lake water.......
I wanted  to explore
the park and take photos. 
The day promised rain,
but we were hopeful for 
 sporadic splashes
of sunshine.
"Oh glorious place, how
magnificent!" heart rejoiced.
I thought even further,
 "Here, in this natural
God made
 we are quite alone."
The clicks of  my camera,
 the sounds of our shoes
pounding the wooden trail,
and the occasional bird calls,
were the only sounds offered.
Thankful for a
 break in the clouds,
we had time for 
 wonderment and
Of the many times we've
visited Chestnut park, this
time would be different.
Never before had it
 been practical, or safe,  to
walk through the thick jungle
foliage that surrounded 
 the beautiful and natural
 lake Tarpon.
Recently built, were
sturdy wooden nature trails, set
high above the swampy
waters. They lead  into the
thickest wooded areas winding
in no certain pattern.
Alone on the trail,
we passed by signs that read...
"Beware the Aligators"
"No Feeding the Squirrels."

We saw beautiful butterflies.....these flowers
grow in the shallow waters, along side the
wooden beautiful.
...... enjoying ourselves greatly,
 alone with nature
until we stumbled upon this
odd bird.
I think he was as surprised to see us
as we were to see him.
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand
everything better."~Albert Einstein

Have a beautiful day.....Dee Dee
click on photos twice to enlarge