Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Fabulous Fashion Shopping Spree"

*Ponder this....
"The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good,
but that God will make us good because He loves us." ~C S Lewis

Around the corner from my nail tech
is TJ Maxx!!  I'll be the first to admit
I love a bargain, so after
my nail appointment today,
I treated  myself to a
 "fabulous fashion shopping spree." 
I found one great  little turquoise top by Talbot....
with soft  pleats at the neck-line.....$5.99
and one fabulous scarf with delicate tassels...  $7.99.
That's all I purchased for smashing
new additions to my spring wardrobe.
Was I humming a merry tune while
taking these photos?
 Most definitely!
It takes so little to please this woman.
Blessings....Dee Dee