Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Number Please"

"Operator, number please."

I talked on the phone with  my sister
 last evening, and in no time at all,
we had talked  for a couple of hours.
In the old days, this would have cost
us an "arm and a leg"
and the neighbors on the "party-line"
might have heard our whole conversation.

My, how certainly times have changed.
Most assuredly  the phone system
 has changed and I'm not so sure for the better.

"When my contract runs out, I'm
getting  a new phone, mine is an
old fashioned flip-top style, the hinge
is loose and it's primitive" sister said.
 It's truly amazing how
fast technology is moving.

I suppose she's right, for
the  phones these days
 are no longer just
Seems you can do just
about everything and anything
with one little hand-held
Are they even considered phones still?
With various applications,
 one can play games,
watch movies, shop on the
Internet and communicate with
half-dozen people or more at
any given time....and this list
of applications goes on forever.

I suppose this is called progress
and to be expected.
Deep down I kinda miss the
old phone days......

"Is this the party to whom I am speaking?"

Sigh.........Dee Dee
(Phone lady....Lily Tomlin)