Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Think Yellow

We've had afternoon rain showers for the past
few days, and the flowers in  our garden are loving it!
New to our garden this summer is a lemon colored Hibiscus.
It had several blooms today and plenty of buds that will
keep the blooming continuing.....a good thing.

In between raindrops, I took photos.  Hard to believe
mid May and we are still having cooler breezes each evening.
With Hibiscus blooms waving around, I was glad for stop action
setting on my camera. The lighting after the rain was perfect.

Early spring, I planted a Croton, surrounded by
pansies in a large pot. Normally, the pansies would have dried
and faded away by now.  My effort to keep them
alive by placing them in filtered light has allowed us to
enjoy them a good while longer.

This, most likely, will be my last posting on these sweet
smiling faces......

However many blessings we expect from God, His 
infinite liberality will always exceed all our wishes
and our thoughts. ~John Calvin

I'm glad you stopped by....have a sweet ole' day. Dee Dee