Monday, February 6, 2012

On My Desk To Read

It is the month of "love" afterall.
None of that "fru fru"(word found
in Oxford's dictionary) stuff for me.
I'm after true....
"My Dearest Friend" 
Letters Of Abigail and John Adams to the core of your being,
kind of relationship.

Page 186
About an hour ago I received a Letter from you
beginning in this manner....
"My Dearest Friend"
That one single expression dwelt upon my mind
and played about my heart. (Abigail Adams)
Abigail and John were matched perfectly
as life partners, lovers, friends, and equals in
all areas of importance.
They were there for each other.  They
wanted new beginnings for a new nation
and were willing to die to make it a
reality for posterity.

Abigail kept the home-fires burning
all during the years John Adams was away.

Their pen was a weapon against
adversity, a way of finding comfort and
support for any situation.
(Srsc: review )
My kind of  love story......

Life is much to read and
just not enough hours in the day.
In His care.....Dee Dee