Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sweet Lantana

Early spring
I planted in a large pot,
a Camellia plant
and surrounded it with
 pink Lantanas.
The Lantana flourished
 along with the
Camellia plant
in the lovely cool weather.
summer's hot sun
and heat came and
the plants struggled
to survive.....

I kept them watered,
and wondered that the Lantana
no longer bloomed,
yet confident that
the "green leafed" Camellia would
bloom again come spring.

The warm rains came,
almost daily, the
lovely tropical rains
bringing  nutrients
needed to sustain plant life.
The Lantanas began to bloom
dappled by sunlight and
silhouetted against greenery
again they  flourished
beneath Florida's
beautiful summer skies.

Have a blessed day!  Dee Dee