Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Imperfectly Beautiful"

I pruned this little Knockout Rose
about mid summer.  It had grown
completely out of proportion and
desperately needed attention.

Earlier this month I noticed new
green leaves, and watched as it
continued to grow.  This past week
the first of many buds came on the
little Rose bush.....and they began
to open into blooms that looked
like this.
They were small and scraggly and I
felt sorry for the Rose plant.  What
had happened to cause this?
I watched them each day, and
found that eventually some of
the blooms had order to them......
The colors were exquisite and
they reminded me of Roses one
might see in a dried arrangement,
or Victorian painting.....
I brought my camera out and
found by using the Macro setting
I could get up close to the tiny
Roses.  I  found that what
I was seeing, was  "imperfectly beautiful."
Have a sweet ole' day! Dee Dee
click on Roses to enlarge