Monday, October 25, 2010

Autumn In Our Tropical Garden

We'll miss seeing the fall leaves up north this year....

The email from my sister-in-law had said they
will take a train ride through the
Great Smoky Mountains, to see
all the beautiful and colorful fall leaves.
Much of my childhood was spent
in those mountains and  I
remember the beauty of it all.
Maple trees lined our street and
nothing was  more beautiful than the
yellow, gold and red maple leaves.
I suppose I'll just have to make
do with the autumn showing in
our  tropical garden this year.
All looks mighty prettty, as you can see.....
  ......the  tall Hawaiian Ti plants,
beautiful striped Crotons and
the Nandina's are  spilling over with pretty orange berries.
Have a lovely week....Dee Dee