Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Out With The Old, In With The New

the weather has cooled off
and now I can do 
a bit of re-potting.
All summer long,
with temps in the 90s.... I've had to
daily, water  the coleus, caladiums
and periwinkle that
inhabited this same pot seen in the photos.
 It was  important to me that
they stay  pretty, considering their
first impression  location  
by the front door of my little cottage.
Keeping them healthy  attractive and alive
has been a true summer "labor of love,"
factoring in the extreme hot weather conditions.
So today, it was out with the old plants
and in with the new greens and purples.
Call me kinda funny, but
it was good to just put my fingers
down in the dark rich
earthy smelling soil.
What do you think?
I'm very pleased...with my efforts and the results.
Blessings.......Dee Dee