Monday, October 11, 2010

Potato Vines

This is the time of year when  the garden
starts looking a bit shabby here and there.
I've been looking things over,
planning what I will pull up and throw
away and what plants need a good
trimming back. The lavender
colored Mexican Sage could use
a good whacking.
Also, beginning to grow all haphazardly,
are the ornamental potato vines we
planted for the first time this year.
  They looked very nice
through  late spring, 
but then the hot summer sun and
heat damaged them somewhat.
It's been a struggle indeed with continual
watering, to keep them alive.
The ones that survived 
quite nicely,  are the
clever ones that found safe haven
when climbing upward  into
a small palm tree.
 Shown in the photos, I think they look
quite nice there
and hope
they  continue to grow
through the Florida winter.
If my efforts for a much tidier
garden go as planned, I'll be
showing some photos
later in the week. For now,
I'm hoping for high energy levels
for me,
and good blessings for you
all the coming week.....Dee Dee