Tuesday, April 5, 2011

When I Grow Up.....

Jessie Wilcox Smith
....love her smock

When I  began drawing and painting,
I  very happily discovered 
Jessie Wilcox Smith 1863-1935.
Famous for her work in magazines and for
her illustrations for children's books, Jessie
had remarkable talent.  Many of her books
are in print today, probably bought mostly by adults,
like myself, for the nostalgia.
Many of her illustrations depict moments of
childhood; playing with blocks, fear of the
dark etc.  Jessie Smith changed the
appreciation of children in American culture
by her enormously sympathetic portrayals.
Most likely you've seen her work
When I grow up...I want to be just like
Jessie Wilcox Smith...draw and paint like her and
wear a painting smock just like the one seen
here in her portrait!!!
Have a blessed day......Dee Dee
(aspiring children's book illustrator)