Wednesday, March 21, 2012

She's From Russia

Her name is Tatiana, she is our friend,
and she is from Russia.  Someone in
the church said the young Russian girl
would like to sing in the choir, but she
has no transportation to choir practice.
"Where does she live," I asked.
It was the Mister's and my good fortune
that Tatiana lived five minutes from our
home.  For over a year now, she has
been riding back and forth to church
with us.  During that time, we've come
to know and love her.
and, during this time.....
we've learned a lot about her country, Russia.
She speaks fondly of all that is the
Russian people, their art, their music,
their traditions and their history.
She was in the minority while living there,
she called herself Christian.
 I told her
I had seen pictures of beautiful churches
in the larger cities of Russia and
wondered at the church she attended.
"Only one now in the city, the others have
been destroyed when communism took over.
No freedom of religion now."
Tatiana  loves America and says sometimes
she cannot believe she is here.

On our ride to choir practice
this past Sunday, Tatiana and I talked
mostly of the Cantata music we are learning
for Easter Sunday service. She is soprano,
like me and we set together in choir.
 Her English
is broken and sometimes the Mister and
I struggle with understanding her.
We have no trouble however,
understanding her
when she speaks of Jesus and  how God has
blessed her life. She's had some sadness
in her young life, but she is optimistic
about her future.

The "Mentos" seen here....
they are from Tatiana.
"Here, these are for you!"
She often brings us candy made in
her homeland Russia.
  Her love
and kindness for others just pours
out spontaneously. 
 You know, I'm thinking
our meeting was no accident.  Our
precious  friend  Tatiana is a blessing from God.

Have a wonderful day everyone......Dee Dee