Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Fever

Putting aside everything, we went for a drive
just to see nature waking up.
We've all got "spring fever" around here.
I think the whole world has it
and much of the population is here
to enjoy it!
It's just plain hard to drive anywhere
with all the traffic from the tourist in town.
No quiet seclusion at the beaches  this time of year.
But, it's fun and we love seeing the crowds.

We drove down to the marina and along
the water's edge. We kind of know
where to go for
"peace and quiet" and this
is one of our favorite drive abouts.
 Another fellow, this
ole Blue Heron,
 was the only living thing in sight
in this location.

We were driving in an area of beautiful
older Florida homes.
Each home has ownership of the area along
the water, and a private  pier for docking boats.

 When we passed by this setting, I
fought the urge to claim 
"squatter's rights."
I'm thinking this is the perfect
time of year to take a good long look
at God's wonders. They'll take
your breath away.
Have a fabulous day!  Dee Dee
click on photos to enlarge