Monday, March 26, 2012

Sweet Motherhood

  With three young
mothers-to-be in our family, I've had
moms and babies  on my mind,
and quite a lot lately.
So far, one baby coming, is a little boy,
and just a few short weeks to discover
what the good Lord
 is sending the others.
My yarn basket is heavily ladened with
new baby yarns and
I have a heaping
basket of baby fabrics to create with.
Both mothers in waiting
.....want girls
this time, so this little illustration of
motherhood is created with them in
mind.  Note: baby has on a pretty
 frilly dress.....we are hoping girl.

Life is magic, the way nature works
seems to be quite magical.~Jonas Salk

Life is always a rich and steady time
when you are waiting for something to
happen or to hatch.~E. B. White,Charlotte's Web

Have a beautiful week everyone......Dee Dee