Friday, August 3, 2012


When opening the blinds
this morning, my first
greeting of the new day
was met with these guys
literally poking around
in our lawn.

They are White Ibis,
and noting the coloration, they
are younger birds. 
 As they mature and grow older,
the brown will fade and their
feathers will become white.

I loved  taking photos of these
rather interesting young  birds.
I've read a little of  the
nesting habits of the Ibis
and think possibly  this
group comes from the same
nest. The female lays 2-5 eggs,
and the chicks fledge when
they are six weeks old.

Noting their color and size,
I believe they've not long fledged.
Life and their world, all so
new to them.....they were  precious to watch.

I've enjoyed using a few
Photoshop elements with
my photos, giving the illusion
they were painted.
Click on photos to enlarge.

Have a blessed day, everyone!  Dee Dee