Monday, August 6, 2012

Wishing.....I Were There

We walked out of church
and the heat seemed to just
"smack" us in the face.
The humidity was extreme,
and almost unbearable.
The temp in the car registered
98 degrees.
Yes, this is mid summer's
here in Florida.
On days like this,
the Mister and I
wish we were back in Tennessee,
driving through the
Great Smokey Mountains.
I'm posting again,
 our vacation photos
taken back in May,
hoping we all might feel a little
cooler, for having seen them.
Imagine for a moment
driving through a long
dark tunnel,
seeing light up ahead,
and entering into
gorgeous, cool,  smokey
filled mountains.

Imagine the cool breezes
flowing through the
mountain valleys....

.....seeing and hearing
the rushing mountain streams.....

I'm feeling much better!
How about you?
Have a beautiful day!  Dee Dee