Thursday, November 10, 2011

Church At The Nursing Home

No one could have told me a few years back,
that I would help in providing church service for
several nursing homes.  The whole experience
not only is a blessing to the
folks there, but I truly receive the greatest
blessing of all. They are my sisters and brothers
in Christ.
  My friend Priscilla and I arrive at the home
around l:00 o'clock, time
enough to visit with the residents and remind
them that church will begin at 2:00. 
These visits are special, and allow for
sharing the gospel and sometimes,
just some good ole girl talk.
  We've made some
lasting friendships during these sweet times,
..... some of these precious saints have
gone on to heaven.
Church is awesome.....
Song books are handed out and we sing
several of the old favorite hymns...familiar to
most.  Many can no longer see well enough to
follow in the book, but they know many
of the words....Jesus Loves Me
 is known by all. 
Harry plays saxophone, Debbie plays
keyboard, Priscilla and I sing duets and solos,
Lester, in his eighties...(served in Iran as
a missionary)....preaches from  God's Word.
The painting shown here....
represent some of the sweet ladies that have
a special place in my heart. They are much
loved by me and give the best hugs ever.
Have a blessed day.....Dee Dee