Sunday, December 12, 2010

Start At The Manger

Painting by deedee....Cantata  inspired...."Mary and Jesus"

Tonight our choir performed a
Christmas cantata
titled "Start at the Manger....
Then Go to the Cross."
"Start at the manger, on a cold
winter's night, look for the star
in the sky then follow the light.
It leads to a Savior...."
I've been singing and
practicing this beautiful  music
all week long, the words
I've gone over and over....even
dreaming the words....this is true.
After our performance, the choir
stood in the vestibule of the church
to receive the congregation.  The
program was enjoyed by everyone
and we received  the grandest and
sweetest of "family of God"  reviews.
Several  commented as to how
the words had touched their hearts.
I know they did mine...
I struggled with a few tears......
as we began singing....while
thinking back on how
 the Lord had brought me through
a deep valley ...a serious illness,
and now He had
brought me to the
 Christmas is indeed a time of
rebirth and renewal....
Blessings....Dee Dee